If you had said these words to me a year ago I would have had no idea what you were talking about. I thought that IF stood for fertility problems. Fast forward to early January and everything changed. My husband asked me if I would be interested in doing this challenge with him and like a crazy woman I said sure! He entered an 8 week contest where they were following the “KETO” diet. The big incentive was that he could possibly win $2,000.
So we began to research and study everything we could about the Keto diet. I was scared to death after I read through all of the guidelines and suggestions. Things like NO SUGAR – NO DAIRY- NO FLOUR! I thought that there was NO way I could go without eating sugar. I love sweets and candy. No flour? How was I supposed to eat bread with no flour? No dairy? What was I going to eat with my cereal? Needless to say, I was quickly regretting my “Yes” answer to doing this with my husband. However, we started this journey together on the morning of January 14th. I made sure to meal prep on Sunday so I would have everything I needed for lunch and snacks at work. I started the IF (intermittent fasting) on Day #1 as well. I was like if I am going to do this then I am starting full force on Day #1. After the 3rd day I felt better already! It was so unbelievable. How in the world could I feel better in just 3 days? But I did feel better, much better! I should also mention that I joined a gym and got a personal trainer. When I decided that January 14th would be the first day of the rest of my life that was what I meant. I still had so many questions and looked for guidance and suggestions everywhere. I was still so confused about some of the information. However, with that said, I only told a couple of people that I was doing this. I didn’t want everyone “watching” me through this journey.
Let’s jump to the beginning of March. My husband had lost 46 pounds and won the $2,000 challenge at his gym. I had not weighed once since January 14th and was so anxious. I went to my doctor just to weigh myself and learned that I had lost 30 pounds. I was crazy excited! I have been working hard ever since and yes, I have had sugar and days where I ate way more than 20g of carbs, but I have also lost a total of 87 pounds so far, and I am still exercising and eating right. Interestingly, I find now that sugar makes me sick so I try to stay away as much as I can. I have also finally learned after so many years of yo-yo dieting that carbs are what work against me. Now that I have my carb intake under control, I rarely ever have cravings for food. There are so many other milestones that have happened during this journey. For example, I stopped drinking Diet Coke. I also discovered that I actually really enjoy working out! I would have never started this journey without my husband and cannot thank him enough for continuing to be my cheerleader. My friends and family are so supportive, and I appreciate that tremendously.
I am providing the following information in the hopes that it can serve as an initial resource to start this journey to a “New You”!
- Dr. Eric Berg - https://www.drberg.com/ I have watched so many of his YouTube videos for guidance.
- Wendy's Keto Klub! (with help from Dr. Berg)
This is a Facebook group that has helped me more than I can even explain.
- I have spent countless hours researching “keto foods” on the internet. One of the things I didn’t mention in the blog is that I do not eat vegetables (except green beans) or salad.
- If you try hard enough you should be able to find low carb options at any restaurant. That way you can still go out and eat socially.
- Mexican Restaurants – fajitas with no shells
- Breakfast Places – EASIEST place to eat. There are so many egg options.
- American Food places – hamburgers, steak, chicken and seafood (Be careful with sides and sauces)
- Chipotle and Café Rio are super easy as well just order meat and cheese with no shells.
- Alcohol? Use sugar free flavor packets to flavor your water then add a shot of vodka. I literally just learned this.
- Chaffles are delicious and easy to make. https://www.midgetmomma.com/the-best-easy-keto-chaffle-recipe/ There are a zillion versions and a zillion web sites that have recipes. This just happens to be one that I liked.
This is a ton of information, and I am not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist or anyone in the medical field. I am also no expert; I am just someone trying to figure out this thing called life and eating better has helped me feel like a million bucks.
~ Sarah Case